The workplace as a driver for knowledge sharing

Most organizations in the past managed and preserved the knowledge they had built up very carelessly. They paid woefully little attention to it, resulting in accumulated knowledge often being lost when an employee retired or changed jobs. Yet, the importance of possessing high-quality knowledge has increased exponentially since industrialization, and this knowledge is primarily built […]
The work environment as a lever for a sustainable organization

When we think about sustainability, we often refer to the “people, planet, profit” model, also known as the “triple bottom line.” While success was once measured primarily by financial profit, a healthy organization today is defined not only by its financial performance (“Profit”) but also by its social responsibility (“People”) and environmental consciousness (“Planet”). A […]
One open-plan office is not like the other!

“Finally proven: open-plan offices are a bad idea.” Every so often, an article with a title like “People are dissatisfied and unproductive in open-plan offices” or “Finally proven: open-plan offices are a bad idea” makes the rounds. These articles often focus on the inability to concentrate in an open office environment. On the surface, this […]
Nudging in the office: from simple interventions to major behavioural changes

In the kitchen of the brainmove office in Ghent, there is a dishwasher provided. A handy appliance that can wash all the used mugs and glasses at the end of the workday. However, for some team members, it is quite a difficult task to spontaneously and independently load the dishwasher. The process is simple: you […]
All productive! Yes! But how?

Don’t we all want to be super efficient and productive at the office? ‘19 Ways to Improve Productivity in Your Office’, ‘7 Tips to Increase Productivity at Work’, ‘Boost Your Office Productivity: 10 (Easy) Tips’ – good advice is never in short supply. A quick Google search will quickly yield a range of tips, from […]
Communication in workplace transition projects

How do I guide my organisation towards an activity-based working environment? The decision has been made. The organisation will be transitioning from traditional one-on-one offices to an activity-based working environment. But now… how do we communicate this good news, and how do we avoid getting tangled up in a web of fear, ignorance, and resistance? […]
How can we promote the use of new types of workspaces in flexible work environments?

It’s a common issue: we have various alternative workspaces in our beautiful activity-based work environment, yet they remain underused. Why is this, and what can we do about it? A fundamental requirement for a successful work environment is a well-balanced alignment between the provided infrastructure and employee behavior. Even the most poorly designed workspace can […]
The new way of working and my privacy

Help, my organization is adopting the New Way of Working! Gone are the days of my own trusted workspace; gone is my privacy. This is a common complaint when implementing a dynamic work environment, often fueled by early rumors of those dreaded open-plan offices where no one has a personal spot—a chaotic hub where people […]
The work environment: traditional or dynamic?

Seldom consciously designed, usually very traditional. Every organization has its own work environment. Rarely is it designed with intent; more often, it follows traditional patterns. But why should you change your office layout, and what exactly are “dynamic offices”? Read on to uncover the essence of dynamic workplaces and learn how to align your office […]
A dynamic work environment can support the well-being of employees

Users no longer have fixed, assigned workspaces. Organizations are increasingly opting for a dynamic work environment or activity-based work environment where users no longer have fixed, assigned workspaces. We must not lose sight of the fact that a work environment must first and foremost guarantee the comfort and well-being of its users. In the rise […]